
Friday, March 30, 2012

When can you Claim a Tax Relief?

With the financial year coming close to end, are you concerned about claiming tax relief in the right way possible? If tend to be self-employed then, chances of such concerns arising in your mind are high. Well, do not despair, as you can claim a relief upon your allowance and expenses to lessen your tax bill considerably.

It is to be remembered that you can deduct various expenses and running costs attached with your business to earn profits, but taking away your private expenses is never a prospect and is not favoured by the govern ent. In addition, it is also to be remembered that you can claim reliefs on specific "capital items" – an off-cost that you use to buy or improve assets forbusiness use.

When can your Claim a Tax Relief?

It is to be noted that you can claim tax reliefs for the present financial year along with the preceding four years. However, in some cases, the claim period can reduce considerably. Therefore, if you have been concerned about making the right tax relief claims being a self-employed or a business person then, it is essential for you to know about the various expenses that you can claim and the ways of making the claim.
Knowing the Expenses

If you are in the mind of starting with a business venture then, it is important for you to know about the things related to claiming tax relief. Usually, people who are self-employed tend to have a varied range of expense and running costs associated to the business. You can well consider deducting these expenses from the income you draw to reap a good amount of profit. Additionally, you might also avail a ‘capital allowance' for other specific costs attached to your business like, machinery and other equipment to lessen the taxable profits.

Knowing a bit about Allowable Expenses

Well, allowable expenses are nothing, but costs that you eventually end up paying in the run of earning profits. Usually, you can consider claiming a tax relief on such allowable expenses. Well, it is to be remembered that you cannot seek a claim for personal or non-business items. Improving or buying capital items like machinery and business equipment that have a lasting use does not fall under the category of taxable business expenses. However, you can well claim a relief for them, as they are related to your business purpose.

Since, claiming relief on your tax is a complex issue and requires extensive knowledge on the same, seeking help with taxfrom expert professionals is always advisable.


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